Why has this taken me so long?

You would think that as a writer I would have started a blog years ago.  I am embarking on a new and improved life, finally at a place where I need to venture up the ladder rather than crashing through the splintery rungs, falling on my ass, no parachute available.

I start so many projects:  sewing, photography, writing a novel, jewelry, cake decorating, candles…anything to ease the drudgery of a full time day job.  Then the project is past the honeymoon phase of beginning and planning, the elusive beginner’s mind.  Block out the old and buy a new pattern or book, cool fabric, stickers, multi-pack pens and quickly I lose interest.  I can’t get to the results fast enough, the anxiety of following through is just too much.  Anything can be easy to start, asking for help or finishing, not so much.


But I have not started a blog.  And I find it funny that this Microsoft Word has a red line under the word blog.  Isn’t that word securely ensconced into our vernacular?  So here goes with the proper introductions.  TA DA:

I am one of those older Gen-Xers, I was there for 80s new wave and then 90s grunge.  When the Clash first came to America, and the death of Kurt Cobain.  William S Burroughs,  super models, desert shield,  Reagan, tickle-me-elmo, I’m sure you know me.  I was a vegetarian for 20 years, got divorced and started eating meat again.  I’m dry but sometimes actually funny.

I don’t know where I’m going and I really have no idea how I got here.  I worked at the same company for too long until they finally laid me off.  I got too comfortable.  I thought that was what you did.  And I’m not that old.  I earned my Master’s in Counseling thinking that would be a good place to go, but most counseling right out of school pays $15/hr.  My internship was a bust and didn’t prepare me to go into an agency.  So back to the lay off.  I left March 2016 with no prospects except unemployment.  After a month of job searching with no prospects, I was able to get worker retraining through unemployment that paid my benefits for a year.  I decided to go back to school (once again) and I earned a certificate in Computer Networking, IT.

THAT WAS A BLAST.  I love IT, networking, enterprise, Linux, security, Windows Server 2012…I had the best time of my life.  One year certificate at a local technical college.  My teachers were amazing, the school cheered you through, I got to delay finding a job for another year.

So here I am once again.  No unemployment and no school and no job.  I guess I am in the limbo room from hell.  Not sure where to turn.  Keeping anxiety at bay.  Walking my dog, cooking from scratch.  Now I am sure I can keep up with this blog.

Stay tuned.  I’d like to make sense of why I am here.

like i want to do so much

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